Thursday, August 27, 2009

Random Thursday Thoughts

It's Random Thought Thursday, everyone!! Let's get this party started right!

1. Is it too early to start thinking about Halloween costumes? I really want to come up with a kickass costume this year.

2. Classes started this week and the student who looks like my brother is my class again. It makes me smile to see him (which I'm hoping he doesn't realize). I'd hate to be a creepster. Oh my gosh, am I creepster?!?

3. The Polack and I are supposed to do some much needed yard work tonight. I *really* hope it rains.

4. Mia wears perfume and today, I passed a student wearing the same perfume. It reminded me of Mia. I suppose I'll always think of Mia when I smell that perfume.

5. The other day, I explained to Seeger that Mia is an exchange student which means she will leave at the end of the school year. He was NOT happy with this news. In fact, he was still thinking about it two hours later when we picked Mia up from soccer and he announced, "Mom, I don't want a sister that's going to leave. I want a sister that will stay with us forever."

6. How sad is it that Mia has only been with us for two of the forty-two weeks and we're already thinking about when she's will return home? That will be a dark day for the Kubatski family (and everyone else in the US who knows Mia, I'm sure.) She's so much fun and has really integrated well into the family.

7. My stinkin' iPhone hasn't been "pushing" my emails out to me. This has been very frustrating so I did the only thing I knew how to do (other than throw it out the window) - I deleted the email account and reinstalled it. So far, so good.

8. This probably sounds strange but I miss my old iPhone. My new acts up sometimes and will randomly lock up. My old one never did that. :(

9. I bought a new pair of shoes over the weekend (actually, I bought TWO new pairs of shoes - squee!) and wore them less than 5 hours before the strap broke on one. Grrrrr. I know I can return them -- and I will -- but they were $5 on clearance and the only pair left. I'd rather have the shoes, not the $5.

10. Saturday is Mia's first official soccer game. (She hasn't been able to play in the previous games because her coach requires all team members to practice at least 10 times before playing.) I hope she does well. We'll be cheering her on!!

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