Monday, April 20, 2009

You're hot then you're cold...

What's up with this weather? Is it spring or is it winter? Do we get out the shorts or keep wearing jeans? I could blame it on Indiana weather but from the looks of the posts I'm seeing on Facebook, this crazy weather isn't exclusive to the Midwest.

Friday was beautiful. The Polack had a home game so I took the boys to the baseball park to enjoy the sunshine. After the game we went to dinner at a local Japenese restaurant.

Nicklas tried using chopsticks for the first time.

Saturday was just as nice. We tried to spend as much time outside as we could. Seeger even took Freddie and his animals on a wagon ride.

Then the rain started up again. Sunday afternoon was a soccer game. This is what the fields looked like:

The poor kids, they were troopers! Nicklas was covered in mud by the end of the game.

Seeger was a trooper, too. He was cuddled up on dad's lap to stay warm.

That sun... she's such a tease.

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