Friday, September 3, 2010

Random Thought Friday

1. Every morning when I take Seeger to school, I ask if he wants me to drop him off at the door or if he wants me to walk him in. He told me he ALWAYS wants me to take him in because that means he gets to spend more time with me.

2. Seeger's teacher has a blog. Now that's my kind of teacher!

3. So we sold our house! Yep, that's right. WE. SOLD. OUR. HOUSE! It went down like this - crappy offer Monday evening, a hard counter offer on our part, a not-quite-as-bad-but-still-crappy VERBAL offer late Monday night, a you-better-up-the-ante-or-forget-about-it email response from us, a we-can-defnitely-work-with-this offer from them on Tuesday, a we-really-want-to-work-with-you-but-we-want-a-few-thousand-more-from-you counter offer by us and then at 5:12pm I got a call from our realtor letting us know our counter offer was accepted. Woo hoo!!

4. Of course, all this happened after our new appliances and countertops were ordered and paid for. I haven't seen the appliances but I'm positive I will cry when I do because they will be staying with the house and not coming to Bloomington with me.

5. Last night was the first tailgate of the season. I don't normally have to do anything except enjoy my drink and food the Polack prepares. But darn it all, now that we're in Bloomington, our Lafayette buddy, Marty, isn't coming with us to tailgate. He'll join us for a few games this year but now I have to help with the prepping, packing, unloading, setting up, cleaning up, tearing down, and unpacking. I was definitely missing Marty last night when it was midnight and I was unloading the car. I even sent him a text telling him so and he was like, "yeah, but if I was helping it would mean we'd be driving back to Lafayette and you still wouldn't be home." Which is true but he forgets that I would also spend the drive home SLEEPING so the length of the trip doesn't really matter. I've unkowingly become the Polack's #2 guy and I'm NOT HAPPY in this role.

I think it's time to train Nicklas.

6. Woo boy, have I been busy at work this week. But it's been a good busy and the team I work with is awesome and we laugh EVERY DAY and I love it.

7. Oh my god, we sold our house! This is good but it means that I have to pack up my house. My entire house. And put everything.... where? In storage. My house that's two hours away. By October 5. Less than five weeks.

Oh my god, I have less than five weeks to pack up my house that's two hours away and put everything in storage.


8. Cheryl's Quilt Shop is having a 25 fat quarters for $25 sale this weekend. I wish I could go shopping! I wonder how many people who actually read this blog will care about #8.

9. Now that we sold our house, the Polack wants to purchase season tickets for IU basketball. At least you don't tailgate before basketball games. (Yikes, I don't want to give anyone any ideas!)

10. Now that we sold our house, I want to buy tickets to see Michael Frante AND Ingrid Michaelson. We'll see what happens...

1 comment:

EB Bead and Metal Works, LLC said...

YEAH!!!! It is celebration time!!!! I am so happy for you guys on selling the house! Way to stick to your guns!
Good luck on moving, everything will be fine and you all will get it done.
Yes, it is time to train Nicklas on how to load and unload for tailgating!
Nope, not a sewer, so number 8 means nothing to me. I had to have mom sew a blanket for me. I thought it would only take an hour, three hours later she comes out and I ask if she finished both blankets and she just looked at me. Sewer I am not :)
YIPPEE!!! You sold your house!