Monday, December 1, 2008

It must be Monday - part 2

Yet another tale of Monday fun. Nicklas woke up and took his shower this morning and as he was heading back to his room, he said, "Mom! Did you forget? I was supposed to work on the poster for my Benjamin Franklin presentation this weekend."

His project is due on Wednesday, and yes, there were several times over the long weekend that I thought about asking him to start work on it. I even mentioned it a few times to Mike. But honestly, I was preoccupied with other things. Like delivering boy scout popcorn and cleaning my house and Black Friday shopping and cooking a huge turkey and mashing 20 pounds of potatoes and hosting 40 people for Thanksgiving on Saturday. I was just a little bit busy.

I explained to Nicklas that his project wasn't due until Wednesday and that I'd help him work on it today and tomorrow. He continued to argue that it wouldn't be enough time and tried to place blame of me. So I guess it was me that held a gun to his head, forcing him to play Wii and watch football all weekend. Yeah, I'll remember that.

After Nicklas was off to school on the bus, I heard Seeger (who had been asleep) crying in his room. I walked in to his room to a terrible smell. Somehow, my four-year-old had pooped himself while he was sleeping. I can't remember the last time this has happened so it was definitely a bit of a surprise. He was devastated so I had to calm his down and get him in the bathtub, while cleaning up his jammies and stripping his bed so I could wash his sheets.

While all this activity should have put me in a bad mood, it didn't. I had a great weekend and was lucky enough to spend it doing what I love the most which is being with family. I have so much to be thankful for and the holiday was an opportunity to reflect and appreciate my good fortune. I have a great husband who loves me despite all my faults. I have two boys who are happy, healthy, loving, and smart. I have a stable job in this unstable economy and while I have family who have suffered some setbacks recently, all are moving forward and looking to the future positively. I have some great friends who are supportive, caring, and encouraging.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. This blog started as a way for me to update family and friends on what's happening in my life. It's turned into more than that. It's my outlet, my therapy. You put up with that and I appreciate it!

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